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All of my life I've heard people warn others of the danger of burning bridges. "Be careful about burning bridges", they say, "because you never know, you might burn one you need to cross back over."

Well, guess what? Sometimes, and probably most of the time, those bridges NEED to be burned! Some bridges are the last things you need to revisit! Set it ablaze and walk away. Don't look back. Don't go check on it to make sure it's really burning. Don't check to make sure you didn't hurt its feelings. Don't check to see what anyone else thinks about it. Just set it afire and walk away. Go back for what? The same reason that made you have to burn it in the first place? Nah!

I'm also learning that God in His graciousness sees your inability to burn bridges that need to be burned, so He'll sometimes burn them for you. He'll burn the bridge to keep you from going back to being mistreated, beat on, cheated on, walked on, treated with disrespect & inconsideration, used, abused, talked down to, taken for granted, taken advantage of, treated like your thoughts, opinions, or feelings don't matter.

I say, SURRENDER TO THE BURN! Don't ask God to lead you to something better, then cry when he sets the past on fire. He knows you'll get in your feelings and pity that which has been eating away at you. When you see yourself moving on to better things, a better way of thinking, and a better way of living, if you smell smoke, tell God THANK YOU. Don't feel sorry for the bridge He set on fire for your protection. Let that bih BURN and drown in the water below!

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